Sunday, January 30, 2011

Healthe' Trim- So Far, So Good!

I have just recently finished my first bottle of Healthe' Trim.  When I first began taking it, I did not like it at all.  I would take 2 pills at a time, and it made me feel jittery and light headed.  This is because I was not used to taking in much caffeine, and each capsule is equivalent to atleast 1 cup of coffee.  I quit taking it and left it on my shelf for months.  My cousin came into town for my wedding, and I noticed that she had lost a lot of weight.  She said she was taking Healthe' Trim, but only takes 1 pill a day.  She had lost 12 lbs and said she did not always take it regularly.  I decided to give it a try again.  I took 1 pill and drank a whole bottle of water with it.  It is essential to drink a lot of water to keep from feeling dehydrated.  The first couple days you do feel a little different, but the energy boost and the decrease in hunger is amazing.  I finished the bottle with only taking 1 pill in the morning, and I lost about 10 lbs the first week.  After my honeymoon, I had put on some pounds and my new jeans would not fit.  After a couple of weeks of starting back on my Healthe' Trim, my pants are now falling off of me!  I feel better than ever and I have definately recomended this to all of the girls at work.  I just got my second bottle and now that my body is used to it, I will try increasing it to 2 pills a day.  I am around 5'8 & 145 lbs and want to reach 130 lbs.  I will let you know how my progress goes!

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